Find the Best Haircut for Your Face Shape
How to determine and measure your face shape, even more importantly how to choose the perfect hair style to fit your face shape
Your face shape is the first point to choosing a new hair style. Your hair type is the after that consideration. Is your hair naturally straight, curly, wavy or kinky? Is your hair surface fine, medium or thick? Lastly, take hair volume into consideration.
Many women who have chosen the haircut accordance to the newest hair trends. In fact, the newest hair trends are not essentially suitable for everyone. That’s because face shape of every person is not the same, so it does not always match with that most modern newest hair trends. To get the ideal perfect look, style of haircut should be adjusted to the shape of face.

1. Measure your face shape from corner to corner the top of your cheekbones. Write down the measurement on paper.
2. Measure across your forehead at the widest point. Normally the widest point will be someplace about halfway between your eyebrows and your hairline. Write down the measurement.
3. Measure from the tip of your hairline to the bottom of your chin
There are lots of ideas on how to figure out your face shape. These include all from outlining your face shape on a mirror with lipstick to dressing your face shape with a towel and asking others to help you guess the face shape. But, there is really a scientific way to determine your face shape with great accuracy.
How to Determine What Face Shape You Are

• You have a Round Face Shape if: Your face shape is as wide as it is long. This may vary a small but generally the measurement is close.
• You have a Rectangular Face Shape if: Your Face Shape is longer than it is wide.
• You have a Heart Face Shape if: Your face shape is narrow at jaw line, wide at cheekbones/and or forehead.
• You have a Square Face Shape if: Your face shape is about as wide as it is long.
• You have a Triangular Face Shape if: Your face shape is narrower at the temples and is wider at the jaw bone.
• You have a Diamond Face Shape if: Your face shape is widest at cheekbones, and if narrow forehead and jaw line of approximately equal widths.
1. Round face Shape

Round face have a quality of chubby cheeks. Stars Celebrities who have a round face type are Renee Zellweger, Ingrid Bergman, Roseanne Barr, Kate Winslet, Natalie Merchant, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci, Charlotte Church. Those chubby cheeks must be covered with a hair. Therefore, the shape of round face would better appropriate with front layer haircut as the face frame. Try that layers is rather high, with the top-volume and length of the front.
If you have a round face shape you would like to try hair styles with fullness and height at the crown. Short hair styles with a swept-back direction or hair styles that are longer than chin length will look excellent on you if you have a round face shape.
The owner of a round face can also choose a wavy curly hairstyling or large curly hairstyling. as a replacement for small curly hairstyling dejected.

2. Oval face Shape

Have you ever noticed the best part of models have oval face shapes? Have you noticed how many different hair styles they can wear?
Oval face shapes women can wear short, medium and long hair styles. Your face shape is well-balanced, or in even proportion. You will look best when styling your hair off your face. The majority oval face shapes can wear slicked-backed looks as well.

3. Rectangular Face Shape

4.Square Face Shape

If you have a square face, feel yourself lucky. Some of the most well-known faces in the history and at present have a strong, sharp jaw line. How do you identify you have a square face? If you were to determine your head from top to bottom and side to side, it would measure about the same. The differentiation among a square face and a round face lies in the angles.
Square face is marked with important jaw bones like those of Keira Knightlely. Between the straight forehead, cheekbones, and jaw bone so that the face appears square. This face kind will be more in line with the front layered haircut to structure the face, or can also select a soft curvy newest hair trends to cover the jaw.

5. Heart Face Shape

Latest Hair fashion and Match with a Heart Shaped Face is ideal for those of you who have a heart-shaped face by making your hair into bangs covering up his forehead with the aim of which be likely to broaden.
For anybody who wants to modify hair style to select a new hair trend is certainly going to appear fresher. Face has a quality shape with a slightly oval chin and also form a rather wide forehead, high cheekbones and chin pointier impressed.
Heart-shaped face has an attribute broad forehead, pointed chin, and sometimes there are tall cheek bones, so astonished pointier chin. Stars Celebrities who have a heart-shaped face are Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Lopez. Heart-shaped face would better suit for a little long haircut.

6. Triangular Face Shape

7. The Diamond Face Shape