Thursday, March 31, 2011
Something nice for Autumn
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This is going ot be me at the La Mouette Autumn Sale |
So when the weather starts to get colder generally people like to stay under the covers, get all cosy with their other half, watch DVDs, drink hot chocolate and, well, eat. They eat a lot. They eat as much as they can get and as much as they can afford. Well I do anyways.
Which is why I'm super stoked that my friend Ming-Cheau from Butterfingers sent me a link to the most yummiest, awesome deal ever. Ever people, ever.
The La Mouette Restaurant is having an Autumn sale where you get 2 Tasting Menus for the price of 1. Score? I think so!
For the whole of April you can buy one for R240 and get two 6-course Tasting Menus. Guess what the lovely drummer's boy's going to be spoiling me with soon, hehe.
The sale is valid from Tuesday to Sunday from 6pm until 10pm every night. It's better to book in advance; I can just see hungry patrons, the look of ravenousity in their eyes, mawling each other for a table for two. Ha ha.
Anyways if you're keen email them on or call them on 021 433 0856 to book.
Maybe I'll even see you there.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
And speaking of cricket...
This evening I'm going to be watching my big brother and the boys from The Plastics playing action cricket.
I'm super amped for some reason. It should be fun.
Action cricket. Who'd have thought.
Also, it's raining in Cape Town and as one of my super slick Facebook friends stated; the time has come for legwarmers.
Hmmmmmmm. Winter's bringing sexy back.
Image from here.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Nandos takes advantage of the miserable cricket
While I'm disappointed the Proteas didn't make it through to the next round I'm not a fan of this South African tendency to call our boys chokers.
I feel that we should remain unmoving, loyal fans even in the face of numerous losses because when they win our nation feels as good as new.
That said I do enjoy this Nandos ad I saw on Bangers and Nash. The fastfood chain always seems to churn out top-notch, contemporary ad campaigns.
Nice one, Nandos.
Good Mood, Food
I recently said in an email to someone I work with that I was in a good mood and they aptly replied with the good mood poem.
It's silly but I like it so I'm sharing it:
good for a good mood.
a good mood is good.
gooder than food,
if you're in the mood,
for good,
not food.
I think it's pretty good. Happy Tuesday peeps.
Image via Vis.ualize.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Weekend that Was
Hooboy, Monday is back again and it feels like the weekend was a whirlwind blur. This weekend I...
+ Watched Year One with Jack Black and Michael Cera (I love Cera's acting/sense of humour).
+ Saw Faith play a gig at Pick Wick's.
+Worked on a secret, new project that has me feeling really excited.
+ Watched Charlie Sheen's interview and the Songified version and loved it: Winning.
+ Had a bignightbignightbignight at Pickwicks and The Shack
+ Spent Saturday night at Assembly in the presence of some amazing local bands (The Plastics and Desmond and the Tutus) and beautiful people.
+ Had the laziest Sunday with a delicious lunch made by The Lovely Drummer Boy's dad.
+ Saw my closest friends drunk, happy, laugh, dance and generally have an awesome time (made me feel happy).
+ Did other stuff too.
What did you do this weekend?
Image from here.
Oh and also I saw this dog-walking ad on Life is Savage. It's funny. Read it.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Desmond and the Tutus, The Plastics, Haasbroek vs Tommy Gun.
Yes it's happening. This Saturday night Assembly will see some Tututastics, funPlastics and a battle between the Bunny and the Gunn.
I'm very much looking forward to seeing all of you there.
In the words of Rebecca Black, "pardeeing, pardeeing, YEAH"
It's going down this Sat, 26 March. Doors open 8pm. Tickets are R50.
See you there?
My TEARS experience
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My kitten sidekick for the morning. |
Last week I decided to put my money where my mouth is and (finally) go volunteer at The Emma Animal Rescue Society (TEARS).
I have been a few times before but only to do little jobs. This time I was prepared to get my hands dirty.
I started out in the kitten section, cleaning out the litter-trays, sweeping and cleanig the floors, putting fresh water into their bowls. It was madness. I've never felt so happy to clean. As I worked the bouncy kittens raced after one another, running between mylegs and trying to pounce on the broom as I swept. It was so cool to see them so happy.
One kitten, slightly older than the others, took a liking to me and very regally followed me around, watching what I was getting up to. He melted my heart right then and there and had I been able to I would have taken him home.
After the kitties were taken care of I headed to the dog pound. It's quite overwhelming to see so many excitable faces begging and crying to be touched, acknowledged, fed and loved. Each time I've been to the animal rescue shelter before I've ended up in tears from the sheer shock of so many abandoned and unwanted animals.
I spent the next hour or so walking three dogs. First up was ladylike Sunny, then excited Rosalie and last gentle-natured Sabre. I can't describe the feeling of happiness I felt as I gave these dogs the bare minimum; a 15-minute walk a few pats and some kibbles. The happiness on their faces was appreciation enough.
I definitely plan on going back to help out as much as I can and would recommend any animal-lover do the same. It's incredibly rewarding to know that you've given an abandone and unwanted animal a bit of love and much-needed attention.
Thank you to the wonderful men and women at TEARS who are so passionatetly dedicated to giving these animals shelter, food and love. Your actions are appreciated beyond words.
If you're thinking about getting a pet of any kind please, please consider getting it from a rescue shelter. The street-specials and scruffy cats have the best personality and will be completely loyal to their owners.
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Some kittens looking for a loving home |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
the (long) weekend that was
This weekend I...
+ Spent about 20 hours in a car.
+ Ate an amazing Apple Crumble.
+ Walked in the Garden of Eden forest in Knysna.
+ Played a new drinking game.
+ Realised some interesting things about some people I thought I already knew.
+ Created a new veggie dish (we call it the Stairmaster Paella - don't ask).
+ Was shocked at how popular Rebbeca Black's weekday song became.
+ Hiked for almost four hours around Robberg Point.
+ Got silly and it was wonderful.
+ Went late-night swimming in the neighbour's pool.
+ Slept very little.
+ Read my book (Taking Lives by Michael Pye).
+ Watched a crap suspense movie - Pathology (don't get it out).
+ Enjoyed the company of friends in a diferent town.
+ Danced, laughed, drank some wine, chatted, giggled, swam, walked, lived out of a rucksack, had lots of tea, relaxed, lost my bank card, found my bank card.
How was your long weekend?
Image from here.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Rihanna pe coperta revistei Vogue US Aprilie!
Rihanna este vedeta din numarul aprilie al revistei Vogue US. Pe coperta apare intr-o rochie personalizata din colectia toamna 2011 Chanel. In revista Rihanna vorbeste despre moda, celebritate, familie si in cele din urma ne dezvaluie faptul ca se simte sexy si ca nu are nimic de reprosat formelor ei.
“Over the holidays I realized that, I actually like my body, even if it’s not perfect according to the book. I just feel sexy. For the first time, I don’t want to get rid of the curves. I just want to tone it up. My body is comfortable, and it’s not unhealthy, so I’m going to rock with it.”
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Want to be an animal? Wear Wrangler jeans
Saw these ads on Yes please. Love them
Now I want Wranglers. And to jump out of a building window.
Check out Hurricane Vanessa for more pics.
Now I want Wranglers. And to jump out of a building window.
I toadally won
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The photo that I "captioned" |
Eek, I completely forgot to tell you all. I entered a caption competition on Facebook that was being run by Taj Cape Town and I won (to be fair there was only one other contestant, but still)
The wonderful people at Taj Cape Townhave given me a voucher for two people to enjoy a tasting experience at the Bombay Brasserie restaurant to the value of R900! How crazy!?
I just wanted to say thanks so much to Taj Cape Town and to the peeps who voted for my silly little caption.
And just in case you were wondering, I'm taking my Marja with me (yay). Soon we will be enjoying some fine-dining. Looking forward to it
Monday, March 14, 2011
One Small Seed is renewable
The lovely Drummer Boy was in this viral and I wondered what the beeg news was. Well here it is: One Small Seed has renewed its old self and become a new self and just in time to have its new edition on the shelf.
Check out the new website here.
I liiiiiike. The old site was, well I wasn't a fan but his new and improved site is purdy.
Also I got the Mahala number two printed mag and they gave me a surprise: p.h. fat's Dinosaur Blood album. It's rad you should have in your ears.
A little birdie told me you can subscribe to Mahala's printed mag for free so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
These South African publications; they know how to make a chappy happy.
Image from here.
The Weekend that was...
I took it super chilled this weekend. This weekend I...
+ Had pancakes twice.
+ Watched Howl's Moving Castle.
+Ate the most delicious lamb chops (thanks Scal).
+ Spent some time on our 1000-piece puzzle of Marilyn Monroe (most difficult puzzle ever!)
+ Had some serious discussions.
+ Felt ovcerwhelmed about the craziness of the current world and my miniscule place in it.
+ Sorted out some issues.
+ Went to the wonderful Meh's house-warming braai (twas lovely).
+ Didn't see any of the Argus cyclists.
+ Spent Sunday evening in Kalk Bay at Cape to Cuba.
What did you get up to this weekend?
Image from here.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Zara Look Book-Martie '11
Confort maxim si feminitiate extrema sunt doua caracteristici de baza care descriu noul lookbook Zara. Aceasta noua colectie aduce pentru luna martie piese extrem de frumoase si o utilizare inteligenta de culori si forme, care dupa cum am mentionat mai sus emana feminitate si confort. Pentru mine este un lookbook uimitor deoarece este caracterizat printr-o simplitate sofisticara fara nici un fel de exces, iar preturile sunt destul de accesibile.

Sursa imaginii:
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
so what if i'm a bit soppy?
i really like the ide of this blog, kissssing.
it is a celebration of all things old-school love. Porter Hovey russles through the thrift-store boxes and find old pictures of elegant looking couples photographed in (mostly) black and white.
love was so stylish back in those days. here are a few of my favourites:
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