The Washington Post has created a small series of short, beautifully shot videos called "Scene In," each one painting a vivid picture of the unique culture and style that exists in DC's different districts, which so far include Dupont Circle, Capitol Hill, Duke Ellington School of the Arts, Jazz in the Garden and U Street, each one an artistic arrangement of shot-on-site images and short interviews with locals exploring how they express their personalities through their sense of style.

While Washington, DC conjures up images of the White House and Lincoln Memorial and suited types bustling around, the Dupont Circle, U Street, and Duke Ellington School of the Arts episodes give a real insight into this diverse city's style. Recessionista hipsters in edgy streetwear or carefree bohemian styles give advice on prowling the flea markets for chic ensembles and unique finds to make a statement on the streets.

The Capitol Hill and Jazz in the Garden episodes highlight the interesting ways in which those caught in the rat race spruce up their professional attire with their own unique twist, or how they allow their real selves to show through their after-hours style.
The Capitol Hill episode really shows off the diversity of the city, and proves that people of all ages, genders, races, and religions can create their own signature style! Follow the video and check out all of the great episodes, and check back on Fashion's Feinest next week as we try to gain similar insight into another destination city's style!
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