We've all been there. Those mornings when you wake up and can only manage a weak groan and several pleads for help as you ponder the whereabouts of your cellphone and beg someone to bring you Advil and orange juice.
Ah, the hangover. It happens to the best of us. And while almost every culture seems to have some sort of cure to relieve the pain experienced after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, there is in fact, no actual cure. There are however, several beneficial remedies that we here wish to share with our readers (which we compiled after much extensive and brutal research) that we hope will help make the suffering you will surely experience on January 1st, 2010- far more bearable.
1. Water. Lots of it.
With each bottle of VOGA downed, you effectively lose more water than you take in. As your body dries out, bad things happen, including those searing headaches and indecipherable sent-text messages. Drinking water the next morning helps, but it's best to interrupt your bender with a few glasses along the way.

2. Emergen-C
We are huge advocates of this non-caffeinated Vitamin-boost. Non-caffeinated is key, because as good as a double-shot, non-fat latte from Starbucks might sound on those dreary mornings of doom, it will only dehydrate you more, prolonging your hangover. Emergen-C is where it's at because it restores all the vitamins B and C, antioxidants and electrolytes that those cocktails robbed you of the night before. Blend it with 4 to 6 oz. of water and sleep it off and you'll wake up ready to do it all over again.
3. Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers
Everyone has a favorite, be it aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These pain relievers can stave off hangover headaches, but they can also do a number on your liver when mixed with alcohol--use sparingly. Our suggestion is 2 Advil's, a banana and a vitamin water.
4. Sports Drinks
You not only lose water when you booze, you also dump electrolytes. These salts and other minerals keep your body functioning properly. Sports drinks like Gatorade help replen

5. Alka-Seltzer
Plop-plop, fizz-fizz, oh what a relief it is. Numerous people swear by alka-seltzer tablets. Pop one before bed, one in the morning, and the fast-acting pain reliever gives you the boost you need to get on with your day.
6. Hair Of The Dog
Legend has it that a morning nip can keep a hangover at bay. But far be it for us to put you on a slippery slope to dependency. Our suggestion: a plate of greasy eggs and bacon, but if you insist on a drink, make it a bloody Mary- tomato juice functions along the same lines as orange juice and helps restores the much needed nutrients your body is lacking.
So remember, when you ring in the new year, do it in style and should you discover any little remedies of your own, drop us a line !!
From all of us here at Cece Feinberg Public Relations: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
xoxo The Fein Team