Wednesday, November 24, 2010

smile grumpy shit

Soon to be Guide Dog

On Saturday the lovely drummer boy and I went to go buy his new synth. He was like a kid in a candy store and couldn’t wait to get home and try it out. As we were driving home he spotted a poster for the Cat & Dog show at the Good Hope Centre so we decided to go.

After what seemed like hours of him messing around on his new Gaia (I was very, very, VERY patient) we finally go back into the car and set off for town, me squealing in delight.

It was R50 to get in (I thought that was a little steep) and we excitedly made our way inside, expecting to see many furry faces. It was the best place in the whole world to be – there were cats, dogs, birds and even miniature ponies. I couldn’t get enough of the friendly fluffies but geez were some of the people manning the stalls miserable.

In my mind, if you know you’re going to set up a stall at a three-day exhibition in order to PROMOTE your [Enter Breed Here] Club at least put a smile on your dial. Don’t get me wrong, there were so many welcoming people willing to talk about their dog and Clubs, and really quite responsive but there were also a few who really couldn’t care less. It made me feel sad that the dogs representing the Clubs had to spend their whole day in the company of such a sour puss [hehe].

So, just so you know, all you grumpy stall people: Animal people are pleasant people, and you’re not one of them. Next year I’m bringing some rotten eggs in my bag, just in case.

But on a positive note: We got to meet the best ball-loving Australian Shepherd, a lazy wrinkly dog (no, that’s NOT the proper name), a sleepy and very, Very large St Bernard and a soon-to-be guide dog. We also said watsup to one of those dreadlock dogs (the kind Gwen Stefani had for years). They smell. Like really smell, but are still cute.

Here are some pics:
I met Scooby Doo
His ear was bigger than my hand!
Love this lil one

So many wrinkles!


The lovely drummer getting some love

Interesting "plate" for my chicken curry

It really really makes your cat happy. Really
First prize goes to "peek-a-boo" cat for her great suprise factor

Super chilled cats

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