Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Gen Art's Fresh Faces in Fashion!

Exciting news! On Wednesday, March 10th, Gen Art's Fresh Faces in Fashion returns to Miami!
For those of you not in the know, Gen Art, the independent national arts and entertainment organization, is dedicated to showcasing emerging talent in fashion, film, music and the visual arts. Fresh Faces in Fashion is one of their most anticipated events.
A high-profile runway show that will feature 5 top emerging clothing designers from New York and Miami and 3 accessory designers in installations, it is one of Miami’s largest and most prestigious fashion events, to say the very least.
Over the past decade, the national Fresh Faces program has helped to catapult the careers of designers such as Zac Posen, Rebecca Taylor, Uli Herzner (before her appearance on "Project Runway"), Vena Cava, Milly, Twinkle, KRELwear, Sari Gueron, Julian Chang, Jeffrey Sebelia and dozens of others.
So if your interested, and you should be, get a pen because below are the details for this year's Fresh Faces in Fashion.
8PM – 11PM
NE 39th Street & 1st Court
Miami Design District
A limited number of tickets will be available to the public. Ticket prices for the VIP Packages (Seated) are $65 for Gen Art Platinum Members and $75 for non-members. Gen Art Producer Level members will receive 2 complimentary VIP seats plus access to VIP invitation only Launch Party. General standing admission is $35 for Gen Art Silver members and $45 for non-members. Gen Art Platinum members will receive 2 complimentary standing admission. Tickets and membership information is available online at or by calling 212.255.7300.
For media information please contact Cece Feinberg Public Relations 305.532.3467 or
*For press covering event, RSVP is essential for seating assignments!*
Have a great weekend, fellow fashionistas!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
NY Fashion Week: Hello, Layers!
New York Fashion Week was all about layering. The trends may have been different, but yes indeed, layers--the once dreaded word that stemmed from the even more dreaded word, grunge (gasp!) Are Back!
Check it out below.
Neutrals: Thakoon, BCBG, Rebecca Taylor

Cut-Outs: Alexander Wang and Preen.

Vests: Y-3, Rag & Bone, Rebecca Taylor

Check it out below.
Neutrals: Thakoon, BCBG, Rebecca Taylor

Cut-Outs: Alexander Wang and Preen.

Vests: Y-3, Rag & Bone, Rebecca Taylor

David and Victoria Beckham in 10 Magazine
David si Victoria Beckham au pozat pentru 10 Magazine. Revista a sarbatorit 10 ani de activitate si pentru prima data pe coperta acesteia au aparut celebritati. Victoria are o aparaitie adorabila in tinute Dolce & Gabbana, RM, de Roland Mouret, Antonio Berardi, Versace, American Apparel si Top Shop. In interviul luat de 10 Magazine Vicotira vorbeste despre cariera ei in moda si dezvaluie faptul ca ea nu are nici o intentie sa renunte la lumea modei. In ceea ce il priveste pe David acesta vorbeste despre colaborarea sa cu Adidas si despre campaniile pentru Emporio Armani.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Touché, Burberry!

Shearling jackets were the rage at Burberry, and we loved it!
Ample, fluffy and round, they did not just steal the show, they were the show.
Yes, this year Christopher Bailey made it all about outerwear, and the result was quite smashing!
Soft romanticism was intertwined with military strength, and the coats were complimented by lacy dresses, skinny pants and thigh-high black boots.
Touché, Burberry!

Colectia Louise Goldin toamna / iarna 2010
Colectia Louise Goldin Toamna /Iarna 2010 prezentata la London Fashion week a fost uimtoare dupa parerea mea deoarece iubesc aceasta nuanata de albastru inchis. In noua colectie predomina culori de iarna grave, iar pantalonii scurti in nuante de rosu si glaben au dat o stralucire neasteptata tinutelor. Intradevar sunt niste tinute foarte indraznete si ti-ar cam trebui mult curaj sa le incerci, insa pentru fetele puternice si iubitoare de fashion nu vad nici un impediment.
Ce parere aveti despre colectia Louise Goldin toamna / iarna 2010? Nu este superba?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Military Theme Stays Strong
This year at Bryant Park there was strong military theme. Everyone from Gwen Stefani to Wayne Lee and Chloe sent a variety of camouflage, capes and anoraks down the runway. We pondered, and then decided we liked it.
Upon further contemplation, we realized that for quite some time now, there has been more than a few interpretations of battle gear. In fact, warfare attire has downright infiltrated the style world.
What has been on the runways of Balmain and Burberry, has also found a place in mainstream shops like DKNY and Gap.
Below are a few examples from Chloe, Vivienne Tam and Rag & Bone.

Also, a military style coat by Philosophy, a field jacket from Band of Outsiders, and strong make-up at Proenza Schouler.

Upon further contemplation, we realized that for quite some time now, there has been more than a few interpretations of battle gear. In fact, warfare attire has downright infiltrated the style world.
What has been on the runways of Balmain and Burberry, has also found a place in mainstream shops like DKNY and Gap.
Below are a few examples from Chloe, Vivienne Tam and Rag & Bone.

Also, a military style coat by Philosophy, a field jacket from Band of Outsiders, and strong make-up at Proenza Schouler.
Lady Gaga topless pentru Q Magazine
Lady Gaga a pozat pentru un picotrial in revista britanica Q Magazine. Acest lucru nu este ceva nou pentru aceasta insa in noul numar al revistei ne arata un pic mai multa piele decat de obicei. Lady Gaga a pozat topless, purtand o pereche de pantaloni cu dungi si manusi cu brevete de piele. Destul de ciudat, cantareta poarta de asemenea si un vibrator in josul pantalonilor. Dar, totusi aparent comportamentul acesteia a fost foarte ciudat si a devenit extrem de emotionata deoarece arata destul de provocatoare in picotrial. Ea a izbucnit in lacrimi, zicand: "Pur si simplu nu sunt intr-un loc bun acum", iar mai tarziu a spus ca va continua numai in cazul in care prietenul ei ar fi permis continuarea sedintei foto.
Cum vi se pare pictorialul?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Unique Shoes- TopShop Ss2010

What do you think about this shoes? Love it or hate it?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who We Love From Fashion Week (Thus Far)
1. First name, Michael. Last name, Kors.
Michael Kors.
The man knocked one out of the park. Seriously. I've always been a fan, but what walked down the runway yesterday morning was his best show in (dare I say?), Years!
This was Michael Kors 2.0. Sexy, chic, clean and classic, just how we like it!

Glam! FAB! He just gets it. The clothes were beautiful without complication, poetic without over-the-top theatrics. It was a fashion show, about fashion!
3. Anna Sui
The whole thing felt very on the money. Many of the latest emerging trends were hit, but in no way did it have that cluttered feeling that can sometimes happen. The show had a very natural feel, and the collection remained true to the classically eclectic vibe that defines the designer.

4. Donna Karan
A truly beautiful collection. Strong yet effeminate, I loved her usage of lace, leather, and magenta wools. A strong urban aesthetic was present but it remained incredibly elegant. Donna Karan still reigns as Queen designer for power women worldwide.

Michael Kors.
The man knocked one out of the park. Seriously. I've always been a fan, but what walked down the runway yesterday morning was his best show in (dare I say?), Years!
This was Michael Kors 2.0. Sexy, chic, clean and classic, just how we like it!

Glam! FAB! He just gets it. The clothes were beautiful without complication, poetic without over-the-top theatrics. It was a fashion show, about fashion!
3. Anna Sui
The whole thing felt very on the money. Many of the latest emerging trends were hit, but in no way did it have that cluttered feeling that can sometimes happen. The show had a very natural feel, and the collection remained true to the classically eclectic vibe that defines the designer.
4. Donna Karan
A truly beautiful collection. Strong yet effeminate, I loved her usage of lace, leather, and magenta wools. A strong urban aesthetic was present but it remained incredibly elegant. Donna Karan still reigns as Queen designer for power women worldwide.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Motivi collection spring 2010
Colectia de primavara/vara 2010 de la Motivi contine nuante subtile de maro, albastru, gri, si alb. Motivi se adreseaza stilului chic simplu, elegant, cu personalitate, insa mereu in cautarea schimbarii. Piesele vestimentare sunt usor de combinat si asortat dar in acelasi timp sunt si foarte fancy. Motivi propune si o linie interesanta si indrazneata de produse din denim putand optine astfel o tinuta lejera si trendy.

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