Thursday, August 26, 2010

Muizenberg's Labia Museum

Yesterday I spent the entire glorious day in Muizenberg.

It was a gorgeous day, perfect for my out-of-office mission: interview and take photos of the Muizenberg community for subsequent journalistic scribbling (see: furious typing) by me for our the travel blog that I write for.

The lovely drummer joined me midday and we, hand in hand, explored the nooks, streets and surf shops that make up the Muysenberg area. We ate a perfectly vegan meal at Closer and then ascended the steps of the Natale Labia Museum.


What a beautiful building! There are a few rooms set up as a museum displaying the most decadent writing desks, ornate vases and luxurious chandeliers, and then there is a perfectly gorgeous dining area where you can have lunch or even a dinner and piano concert (note to lovely drummer boy: i *want*) and then upstairs is my favourite area. It's an art gallery with the most calming open spaces and stunning views.

I felt like royalty as we stood on the top floor balcony, looking out over Muizenberg beach and had to fight the urge to stick my nose in the air, look down on the 'commoners' below and wave very slowly with just a turn of my wrist.

I wish I could have a room like this one in my house one day - so clean and clear of junk and stuff and things - just a room.

Afterwards the lovely drummer and I got a dvd out, I let him choose and regretted it - he loves cheesy, B-Grade Sci-Fi - note to you lovely readers: Do *not*, I repeat, do *not* watch Mutant Chronicles. Ever

Ps Tonight a few friends are having a dinner at the lovely Se's place. We're each supposed to bring some veggie snacks to share. Help! Any Idea?

Also, I'm feeling really happy today so I hope you all have the most wonderful day! Smiles, smiles, smiles

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