We here at Cece Feinberg PR love a bit of drama. Healthy infatuation, as we like to say, is good for the heart and soul…it keeps the blood running!
Which is why we love the spirit of performance that is raging this season. Yes, we are talking about the essence of art as it is embodied by the lovely Julianne Moore who acts out the complex theater of feminine personae for photographer Raymond Meier in the most recent Times Style Magazine, combining static art with dynamic fashion.
But what does “performance art” mean in 2010? The term does seem be everywhere as of late, no? I mean, even Lady Gaga chatted about it on Oprah. A cultural phenomenon it has become! But, whatever the terminology, the equation of action+art is gaining cultural ground … and quite a bit of it...within the fashion industry. It’s exciting! Like we said, keeps the blood pumping.
Xoxo The Fein Girls

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