Ryan McGinley is one cool cat. A New York City-based photographer, he is the youngest artist...ever...to have a solo show at the Whitney Museum of American Art (age 24). In addition to that, he was won a plethora of awards and has photographed some of the most famous, most fashionable people that roam our world today.

But at the heart of it all, McGinley thrives on "real-life" situations. Real people, real settings, he is a chronicler of misspent youths.
His latest show, "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere” is a series of black and white close ups of regular people. Seriously. In an interview McGinley explained how he cast the show, saying:
"I have a girl who casts for me. She goes to rock ‘n’ roll festivals and art schools, and has street castings in cities. For this project, she’d come back each month with photos of hundreds of people, and then I’d kinda see who I liked and then e‑mail them or do iChat interviews. Then we flew a lot of people in. A lot of the people in this series are from all over the world".
Cool, huh?
"Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere” runs through April 17 at Team Gallery, 83 Grand Street, New York, NY

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