Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Fall

The lovely drummer and I watched a movie the other night called The Fall (I must boast, I picked it out :) )
This is a must-see...the story, the characters, the journey, the images...please see this movie.
It's a story of love, not only between two lovers but between friends, family and strangers.

Catinca Untaru, the young girl playing the undeniably endearing Alexandria stole my heart within seconds. She's brilliant.

What makes this film so magical however is the cinematography, the scenes, settings and composition. It was like visiting the art gallery whose pieces are scenes out of your own mind - the scenarios couldn't have been portrayed in a more poignant way aesthetically. I love the scene when the bandits meet the Mystic for the first time, and also when they eventually reach the evil Odius' castle the Escher-like scene where the guards run up and down the steps toward one of our heroes is stunning to watch.

Sometimes, when I'm seriously bored, I [day]dream that some gorgeous, eloquent masked-bandit will sweep me away from my buzzing PC and carry me off into perfect sunsets (in the form of the lovely drummer of course!) and then the reality hits and I realise that those archaic thoughts and worlds of the knight in shining armour (probably) come resplendent with long annoyingly difficult-to-walk-in dresses/skirts, no hot water, no Gossip Girl (whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?), uncomfortable hay beds and the very (very) very real possibility of the Shiny Knight turning into an expendable knight/soldier-type-thing/man who then turns to ale (which gets caught in and permeates his beard, further ferments there), eating too much (thus acquiring a lovely Roast Pig boep) and finally wanting (and expecting) me to still find him attractive. Eeuw.

The scenes I liked:

Best lines:
Luigi: [reading from Evelyn's locket] My dearest daughter, never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart. Your ever loving father...
Blue Bandit: It says all that on that little locket?
Luigi: Si.

Roy Walker: What's that?
Alexandria: Food.
Roy Walker: Where'd you get it?
Alexandria: The chapel.
[feeds him a communion wafer]
Roy Walker: I'm sorry I shouted at you. I was angry.
Alexandria: No problem.
Roy Walker: Are you trying to save my soul?
Alexandria: [not understanding] Hmm?
Roy Walker: Are you trying to save my soul? Do you understand me?
Alexandria: What?
Roy Walker: Did you understand what I meant?
Alexandria: What you said?
Roy Walker: I said, are you trying to save my soul? Giving me that?
Alexandria: What mean that?
Roy Walker: The Eucharist.
Alexandria: What?
Roy Walker: The Eucharist. The thing you gave me. It's a... it saves your soul.
Alexandria: Hmm? The thing I give you... what?
Roy Walker: The little piece of bread that you just gave me. It saves your soul.
Alexandria: What? What? *What*?

Have you seen this film yet? What did you think?

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