Here are a few photos from Mountain Xpress's Asheville Street Style, described as a photographic record of Asheville's "unique and evolving DIY fashion."

Local designer Ashley of her own line Tegonia describes Asheville as a place where people are "wearing what they want, weird things that other people might have second thoughts about wearing." Threadbanger, ( ) an online gathering place for DIY fashionistas, visits Ashley in their video series "Threadheads" for a DIY tutorial, and stops by local boutique Honeypot for an inside look at the one-of-a-kind creative couture characteristic of Asheville designers.
While I might not put Asheville at the top of my list of shopping destinations, I'm definitely taking notes on their creativity and fearlessness, not to mention DIY designing is a great way to get more wear from your wardrobe, reduce waste, and never be seen in the same outfit twice!
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