But the question of the day isn’t how to get there…. it is what to wear?
Now, everyone has had those days when you’d rather crawl back into bed after having dismally scanned your closet only to (sigh) find nothing. (If you haven’t you therefore are Victoria Beckham and if that is the case, hi Posh!)
But most of us have a closet of a more normal size, with contents that sometime requ

Yes, we realize that every office is different, we here at Cece Feinberg PR can get away with a lot more then the Wall Street drones. But we always keep it stylish.
A few big faux pas we find most girls doing as they head to the office are as follows:
1. Pants too Tight
2. Top is too low cut
3. Too Casual
4. Too much makeup
5. Lastly, bad breath
Buy a pair of pants that fit the largest part, which is usually the hips, then do a light jog to the tailors and have them nip in the waist. The idea is to command attention with your knowledge not your physical attributes. (The low tops are for after work, girls).
Overall, put yourself together. You don’t have to wear a suit everyday, because a skirt or pant with a good ballet flat and a blazer, which are so chic right now anyway, will not kill you! In fact, I'd wager that they'd probably help you should you happen to venture to little after-work shin dig if you catch my drift...
Easy breezy beautiful is so very true! Keep it simple. You don’t want to look like a circus performer. Lastly, gum and Mentos (the fresh maker) travel well, never leave the house or the office with out one.
In other words: check your breath when you check yourself out.
the Fein Girls

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