Why must when times get tough we grab the nearest Blackberry and take the first celebrity we can get to "save" some of our most coveted labels. Ok, ok a little harsh yes but there are so many untapped design talents giving everything short of a limb in hopes their creations will be adored by all. Some designers spend a lifetime trying to be seen and heard only to be passed up by an actress, socialite or even worse, reality star of the moment. The only similarity between celebrity and creativity is that they both start with a C.
As you can see the Fein girl crew passionatly believes you should stick to what you know. We have yet to see a heavy hitting fashion designer snagging the lead role in the latest blockbuster. Have you? No you haven't and probably won't because that would be insulting to suddenly step in and claim to be an actor.
Now you must know who we are talking about at this point (no it's not Lindsay Lohan, that isn't even worth writing about...a picture is worth a thousand words) but in case you haven't heard, Sarah Jessica Parker aka SJP has assumed a creative role at Halston. We know most of you are gasping right now that we would even question this decision. She has such great style... oh wait that was in the hit TV series turned movie, Sex and The City. Wake up people the clothing was selected for her (rather well too, props to Pat!). We think the fashion world should dig a little deeper and surprise us all with a fresh face, preferably one with a fashion education, to resurrect our old favorites. We are all so hesitant to break the mold, try something new, but it just may be what we all need. But seriously, could you imagine if Karl Lagerfeld put Chanel in the hands of, oh lets say Heidi Montag? Yeah it pains us to think such a thought too. But luckily she has had enough plastic surgery that she can't feel a thing.
The point of this rant is quite simple. We should all stick to what we know. Save the creative roles for those with passion and gee I don't know...TALENT. Making a best dressed list a time or two doesn't constitute years of experience or make you a designer.
We could go on for days, but we will spare you and now step down from our soap box to leave you with those final thoughts. We ask that the fashion world opens their eyes to all of the possibilities that may be right in front of them.

The Fein Girls
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